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Turbidity Sensor

  • IR optical sensor with optical fiber
  • Range: 0 to 4000 NTU or 0-4500 mg/L
  • Robust and waterproof (IP68)
  • Ultra low-power consumption
  • Digital output Modbus RS-485
  • ISO 7027 compliance (Nephelometry)

Optical technology:

The measure principle is based on IR nephelometry / 880 nm (ISO 7027). Turbidity sensor can be calibrated with a formazine standard solution.

Turbidity sensor integrates a low-cost optical technology, with a very few maintenance and no consumables.

Integrated transmitter:

All data concerning calibration, history, users and measures are directly measured within Turbidity Sensor and transmitted wia RS-483.

Physical characteristics:

Compact, robust and light, the PVC sensor allows a handheld or fixed unit application.

  • IR optical sensor with optical fiber
  • Range: 0 to 4000 NTU or 0-4500 mg/L
  • Robust and waterproof (IP68)
  • Ultra low-power consumption
  • Digital output Modbus RS-485
  • ISO 7027 compliance (Nephelometry)
  • Urban wastewater treatment (inlet/ outlet controls)
  • Sanitation network
  • Industrial effluent treatment
  • Surface water monitoring
  • Drinking water






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