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Oil And Gas Industry

Oil And Gas Industry

When you buy gasoline for your car or pay the bill for the natural gas you use for heating, you become the last link in a very long trade chain, which makes it possible for you to enjoy this clean and affordable form of energy. This entire chain It is known as the oil industry. However, this industry generally has three It is divided into the main component. These; upper, middle and lower industry.

Upstream industry : Oilü crude oilü and finds and produces natural gas.  This part of the industry is the exploration and production sector. Also known as .

Medium  industry: Processes include storage, marketing, raw material transportation. Raw materials are crude oil, natural gas, natural gas liquids (mainly ethane, propane, and butane) and sulphate. The middle industry provides the vital link between remote oil production fields and the population centers where most consumers are located.

Downstream industry: Oil refineries, petrochemical plants, petroleum productül; It includes distributors, retail sales and natural gas distribution companies. This industry component is in contact with wherever the consumer is located and  Thousands of products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, heating fuel, asphalt, lubricants, synthetic rubber, plastics, fertilizers, antifreeze, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, natural gas and propane. They provide.






Oil and Gas



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