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Hydrostatic Level Probes SGE25i/16

The SGE-25 hydrostatic level probe is applicable to measure liquid levels in tanks, deep wells or piezometers.

The  SGE-16 hydrostatic level probe is a specialized device designed to measure water levels in narrow diameter  piezometers or wells.

Principles of operation, construction
The probe measures liquid levels, basing on a simple relationship between  the  height  of  the  liquid  column and the resulting hydrostatic pressure. The pressure measurement is carried out on the level of the separating diaphragm of the immersed hydrostatic   level   probe and is related to atmospheric pressure through a capillary in the cable.

The active sensing element is a piezoresistant silicon sensor separated from the medium by an isolating diaphragm. The electronic amplifier, which works in com- bination with the sensor,  and  is  meant  to  standardize the signal, is additionally equipped with an overvoltage protection circuit, which protects the probe from damage caused by induced interference from atmospheric discharges or from associated heavy current engineering appliances.

Technical data for the SGE-25 level probe
Measuring range Any measuring range 1 ÷ 500 m H2O
The standard ranges: 4, 10, 25, 60, 100 m H2O are recommended

Any measuring range:1 ÷ 500 m H2O

  Measuring Range
1 m H2O 4 m H2O 0...10 m H2O ÷ 500 m H2O
Overpressure Limit


(repeatable – without hysteresis)

40 × range 25 × range 10× range (max. 700 m H2O)
Accuracy % FSO acc. to IEC 60770 0,6% 0,3% 0,2%
Accuracy % FSO acc. to BFSL 0,3% 0,15% 0,1%
Thermal error Typical 0,3% / 10°C max 0,4% / 10°C Typical 0,2% / 10°C max 0,3% / 10°C

Long term stability                              0,1% or 1 cm H2O for 1 year

Hysteresis, repeatability                   0,05%

Thermal compensation range             0 ÷ 40°C   – standard

-10 ÷ 70°C   – special version

Medium temperature range              -25 ÷ 40°C   – standard

0 ÷ 75°C   – ETFE and PTFE version

CAUTION: The medium must not be allowed to freeze in the immediate vicinity of the probe

Technical data for the SGE-16 level probe

Measurement ranges               10 ÷ 100 m H2O Overpressure limit     10 × range (repeatable – without hysteresis)

Accuracy                                        0,3%
Hysteresis, repeatability                         0,05%
Thermal compensation range  0 ÷ 40°C
Process temperature limit        0 ÷ 40°C (version with ETFE and PTFE cable)     0 ÷ 75°C

Electrical parameters (applicable to both probes)


Output signal, power supply:

no Signal type Power supply Available in models
1 4 ÷ 20mA 8…36 VDC


10,5…36 VDC (TR version)

2 4 ÷ 20mA 9…28 VDC


10,5…28 VDC (TR version)

3 0 ÷ 10V 13…30 VDC SGE-25/….
4 0 ÷ 3,3V 4,1…14,1 VDC SGE-25/….
5 0 ÷ 5V


0,5 ÷ 4,5 V

8…14,1 VDC SGE-25/….
6 4 ÷ 20mA 10,5…36 VDC SGE-16/….
7 0 ÷ 3,3 V 3,6…4,5 VDC SGE-16/….

Error due to supply voltage changes 0,005% / V
Degree of protection IP68 Material of casing 00H17N14M2 (SS316L) Cable shield POLYURETHANE
Material of diaphragm SGE-25 Hastelloy C276 SGE-16 SS316L

II 1G Ex ia IIC T4/T5/T6 Ga
II 1G Ex ia IIB T4/T5/T6 Ga (probes with PTFE cable)
I M1 Ex ia I Ma

Working Principle

The probe measures liquid levels, basing on a simple relationship between  the  height  of  the  liquid  column and the resulting hydrostatic pressure. The pressure measurement is carried out on the level of the separating diaphragm of the immersed probe and is related to atmos- pheric pressure through a capillary in the cable.

The active sensing element is a piezoresistant silicon sensor separated from the medium by an isolating diaphragm. The electronic amplifier, which works in com- bination with the sensor,  and  is  meant  to  standardize the signal, is additionally equipped with an overvoltage protection circuit, which protects the probe from damage caused by induced interference from atmospheric discharges or from associated heavy current engineering appliances.






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